Donate Now
We welcome contributions of any size. You can support us once or on a regular basis, we won’t ask you to increase your giving. Any donation, large or small, will make a difference to our work.

Your donation will enable us to continue to work with families tackling complex issues which include debt, homelessness, parenting difficulties, co-parenting, managing money, lifestyle changes, mental health and learning difficulties, low educational attainment and aspiration and so much more.
We are continuously improving and developing innovative responses to families who are struggling to improve their family’s difficult circumstances whether from homelessness or family breakdown. In the past year, we have supported over 800 families in many and various different ways.
Other ways to donate
Standing Order, Loose change, Donate an Item, Payroll Giving,
Leave a Gift in Your Will, Gift of Shares & Property
How your donations can help
A book for a child at Christmas.
A calculator for a family to improve their numeracy and budgeting.
Provide bedding for a young care leaver moving into their own accommodation.
Provide a set of saucepans and crockery for a homeless family being rehoused into a new home.
Provide soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste for a family of 4 moving into temporary accommodation.
Provide ingredients for parents to cook healthy meals for their family.
Enable a vulnerable person to attend a counselling session with a qualified counsellor.

Other ways to donate
Set Up a Standing Order
Donating regularly on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis is one of the best ways in which you can support our work. Your regular gift will give us long term funds to help us to plan our work for the future.
It’s simple to set up and the payments are collected automatically. Please click below to download our standing order form and return to us.
If you have any questions, please call us on 02392 296919 and ask for our finance team.
Loose change
Loose Change – We are open 8am until 6pm Monday to Friday and will gladly accept any loose change in our blue box on reception.
Alternatively, why not have a home collecting box. Put your loose change in the box and bring it in when it’s full. This will also enable friends and family to donate their loose change as well.
Donate an Item
By simply having a clear out and donating any good quality, unwanted items to us, you can help us, help our families.
What you can donate
We are currently only accepting single and double bedding, including pillows.
If we are unable to pass your item onto one of our families then we will try to sell it on eBay, Facebook or at one of our table top sales. All proceeds go directly to the Roberts Centre.
Boost Plus – Furniture wanted
Since 2015 The Roberts Centre has been running a service called ‘Boost Plus’. Working in partnership with Portsmouth City Council, we manage 10 flats where we support young people leaving care to gain independent living skills.
To give the young people a positive start in their new homes, we will provide basic furniture and equipment. Therefore we would be very interested in receiving donations of the following items. The items will need to be of good quality and suitable for a young person moving into a small one bedroom flat:
Chest of drawers
Bedside cabinet
2 seater settee or armchairs
Coffee table
If you have any of the above items which are in a good, clean condition please contact the Boost team on 023 9229 6919.
We will arrange collection of any suitable items donated.
Thank you for your help and support.
How to donate
Please contact us via info@robertscentre.org.uk or 023 9229 6919 prior to donating.
Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving through your salary is a fundraising mechanism which enables employees to donate to charities from pre-taxed earnings, generating regular and reliable income. The donor benefits from immediate tax relief on their gift.
Example of how Payroll Giving works…..
The donor gives £10 a month from pre-taxed income
This reduces the amount of income tax that the donor pays by £2.00 each month (or £4.00 for higher rate taxpayers)
The actual cost to the donor is £8.00
The Roberts Centre receives £10
If your employer does not already operate payroll giving, please let us know and we will try to initiate a scheme.
A major international charity Head of Income said “For too long the benefits of Payroll Giving have been hidden from view. If we raise the profile of Payroll Giving just a notch in the UK, we can make an even bigger difference to the lives of millions blighted by poverty and suffering”.
Alternatively donations can be made directly to our internet bank account.
Please complete the gift aid declaration.
EC Roberts Centre Bank account details:
Account number 00868134
Sort Code 30-13-95
Leave a Gift in Your Will
Your Will is an important way of looking after the future of your family and friends. After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, you may also wish to leave a gift in your Will to your favourite charities.
It’s a little known fact that most charities wouldn’t survive without gifts in Wills. By remembering your favourite charities in this way, you’re ensuring that their good work lives on. The donation can be as small or large as you like.
If you choose to leave a gift to us you will need some details such as our official charity name, address and registered charity number to give to your professional adviser when writing your Will. Please contact us for more information or to have a chat with a member of staff about your options on 023 9229 6919.
Everyone can leave the world a better place.
Gift of Shares & Property
Gift of Shares
Individuals and companies are able to get tax relief on shares donated to charities.
Qualifying shares and securities listed are:
Shares and securities listed or dealt in on the UK stock exchange, including the Alternative Investment Market (AIM).
Shares in an open-ended investment company.
Holdings in certain foreign collective investment schemes.
The amount of relief is calculated as the market value of the shares at the date of disposal, plus the transaction costs, such as broker’s fees. The date of disposal will normally be the date the stock transfer form is signed.
Gift of Properties to Charities
Individuals and companies wishing to give property are able to do so under similar rules to the gift of shares.
We can leave the world a better place.