Family Time Child Contact Centre
In society, many families become separated, which leads to challenges regarding co-parenting and child Family Time. We have been providing supervised and supported child Family Time services in Portsmouth since 1995.
The Roberts Centre Child Family Time Service offers Supported, Supervised and Observed Child Family Time in a safe and comfortable environment where children living with one parent/carer can meet their non-resident parent/family member.
We are a child-focused impartial service, which puts the needs of the children first. Family Time Centres provide a facility for maintaining contact between the child and non–resident family members whilst a longer-term solution is established.
The centre also facilitates handover.
The Roberts Centre Family Time Child Contact Service is an Accredited member of the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC).
During 2022-2023 the Roberts Centre supported 158 families
“The Robert’s Centre helped me to reconnect with Jayden in a positive environment and I found Supported contact was good”
Quote from the Dad in the case study
Case Study
The family started Supervised Child Family Time in September 2023. Family Time was set up for 7-year-old Jayda to have Family Time with her Dad every two weeks for two hours.
Jayda hadn’t seen her Dad for 9 months and was initially nervous seeing Dad again. The Family Time Workers arranged pre-visits for Mum and Jayda and then for Dad to visit the Centre. This time allowed everyone to find out more about how the Family Time Service worked and to alleviate any worries the family had.
During the visits Jayda enjoyed cooking with her Dad and playing air hockey, gradually growing in confidence and rebuilding her relationship with her father. After a few Family Times with Jayda and Dad the Family Time workers were able to arrange extended family to join the Family Time, allowing Jayda to rebuild more relationships with her family.
The family returned to court where the Family Time progressed to Supported Family Time before moving into the community. The Family Time Workers explained to Mum and then to Dad and Jayda how Supported Family Time would work and were able to answer any questions they had.
Jayda and her Dad now meet regularly away from the Family Time Centre.
“That was really fun”
3-year-old after their first Family Time with Mum.

What We Offer
The Child Family Time Centre is a place where children living with one parent can meet the parent they do not live with in a safe comfortable environment. Research tells us that children have better outcomes when they have Family Time with their non-resident parent.
When requested, Family Time workers will support parents and children to encourage a deeper relationship between the child and the Family Time parent by aiding communication around the child’s interests therefore reducing stress and conflict.
The Child Family Time Centre is run by a team of trained staff and volunteers whose primary role is to help parents make sure their child’s Family Time experience is positive.
The most important people in the Child Family Time Centre are the children.
We are an Accredited member of the National Association of Child Family Time Centres.
*To apply to use the centre we require forms completed by both parties. Please note that only hand-signed forms can be accepted. please download, print and sign forms by hand.

Family Time Service
The Roberts Centre Child-focused Family Time Service continues to be an Enhanced Accredited Family Time Contact Centre with the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC). We provide safe Family Time in Portsmouth in order to introduce or re-introduce Family Time between children and their non-resident parents or other family members.
Our Family Time Centre offers a range of services including supervised, supported, preparation for direct and in-direct Family Time and handovers.
Every weekend we deliver supported Family Time to families in Portsmouth. There is a one-off referral fee for supported Family Time and then access to this service is free to families for as long as they need it.
Supervised Child Family Time provides closely supervised, individual family Family Time sessions.
In 2022/2023 we provided 158 families with Supported Family Time or Supervised Family Time .
Supported Family Time
This takes place in a large playroom and up to eight families can attend each session. Family Time Workers supported by trained volunteers observe the sessions. Conversations are not monitored. Supported Family Time takes place every Saturday, with three sessions to choose from. Available in Portsmouth only.
There are opportunities to volunteer within Family Time and other areas at the centre. Please click the link below for more information:
Supervised Family Time
This is for one family at a time and two Family Time Workers observe and monitor the session, including conversations. Supervised Family Time takes place Wednesday – Friday between 8.00am-7.00pm up to a maximum of two hours per Family Time session.
Observed Supervised Family Time
This is the same as Supervised Family Time with the addition of factual observation notes detailing the contents of the session, which are sent to both parents after each session. Observed Supervised Family Time is available from Wednesday to Friday between 8am and 7pm by appointment for a maximum of 2 hours per session.
Where the non-resident family member can take the child away from the centre. The role of the Family Time Workers is to facilitate the handover of the child from one party to another, so they have no need to meet directly. This is done at the beginning and the end of the time out of the centre. Handover can take place 6 days a week Monday to Saturday.
Indirect Family Time
Where letters are passed from one party to the other via the Family Time centre so there is no need to meet directly. Both parties’ Family Time details are kept confidential and are not shared.
Using the service
All families must be referred via one of our referral forms, and are subject to a one-off referral fee. The referral forms must be signed by both parties and as such we usually request that families are referred via a third party such as a solicitor, social worker etc. Self-referrals can be accepted.
Family Time Workers risk assess every case and allocate Family Time dates and times accordingly. All families must attend a pre-visit prior to Family Time sessions taking place and all parties must sign and agree to our ‘conditions of use’. All child Family Time sessions will take place at our centre in Portsmouth.
Information about Family Time Contact
*To apply to use the centre we require forms completed by both parties. Please note that only hand signed forms can be accepted. please download, print and sign forms by hand.
Sorting out separation
Knowing what to do or where to turn to when you separate can be difficult. If you’re a parent, you’ll want to make sure you do what’s right for your children. And if you’re a friend or relative of someone going through a break-up, you’ll probably be looking for ways you can help.
Click on the link below to browse by topic to find general information and useful links on a range of separation issues. This could help you decide what support you need and make your own plan to meet the needs of you and your children.
What does it cost?
*Prices from January 2025
There is a one-off non-refundable Referral fee of £130.00 fee for all Family Time applications.
Handovers are £7.50 each way.
Supported Family Time is free on Saturdays only for the first 6 months *and £20 per Family Time session thereafter.
Supervised Family Time and Escorted Family Time With observation notes is £75.50 per hour.
Supervised Family Time and Escorted Family Time without observation notes is £66.50 per hour
Indirect Family Time for £55.
(subsequent charge of £15 per letter, if need to remove information, and speak to relevant parties etc.)
*Subject to personal circumstances, Legal Aid may fund Supervised or Observed Supervised Family Time.
Supervised Family Time and Supervised Family Time With observation notes: By appointment only from Wednesday to Friday between 8 am and 7 pm.
Supported Family Time: Saturdays 10 am – 12 pm, 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm, 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm.
Handover: Monday – Saturday by appointment
Life story work/identity work/indirect Family Time: Wednesday – Friday by appointment
Parents guide
Download the CAFCASS Parenting Plan
or visit the CAFCASS website