Family & Adult Intervention Projects (FIP)

The services work intensively with Council Tenants at risk of losing their home due to anti-social behaviour or issues which impact on their Tenancy. Keyworkers can immediately support clients to work through their issues and then remain engaged to empower clients to make permanent and positive changes in their lives.
RAISE is a project supporting families in Gosport who need long-term, light touch support. Referrals are from Hampshire Social Care.
From April 2022 to March 2023 the projects made a difference for 53 families and single people.
The Family Intervention Team can offer intensive support if you are at risk of losing your council tenancy because of anti-social behaviour or if you are affected by issues such as:
Neighbour Issues
Substance Misuse
Mental Health
Domestic Abuse
Financial Pressures
School Attendance
Parenting Difficulties
To be eligible for the service you must be referred by Gosport Borough Council. The Family Intervention Project supports families who are tenants of Gosport Borough Council.
We understand that no one and no family is perfect, that everybody needs somebody sometimes to help and support them through times of trouble, of despair and when you feel there is nowhere else to turn.
The Family Intervention team walks into your life when others are leaving, they will quickly get to work with you to prioritise what are the most important issues for you and your family.
User feedback
“Supportive? - it’s been my lifeline – I wouldn’t still have a home if it wasn’t for the Adult Intervention Project.
My keyworker has helped me manage my mental health; I am much calmer now.
I liked the two years we were part of the friends Xmas thing.
Was worried at first - a strong bond has been formed - but it is scary to let someone in at first.”
"I’m not homeless anymore. There has been a huge improvement to my life and mental health. I am looking forward to the future and no longer worrying about things as much.”
You will have a dedicated key worker who will visit you between 2 and 4 times a week and will be friendly but persistent and assertive in their approach to you. Your key worker will set boundaries with you around acceptable behaviour and will work hard to support you to make the changes you and your family need to keep your tenancy secure and put your life back on track.
Key workers will support you for an average of 8 -10 months working on issues such as parenting, finances, benefits, home management, education, employment & training. You will have a personal action plan and support to achieve your goals, your key worker can identify other agencies who will be able to help you and can support you to attend meetings and appointments and to make phone calls or to have difficult conversations with others. Support will be offered to help you feel able to make the positive changes needed in your life.
Key workers will always be honest with you and discuss with you what will happen if you choose not to engage with intervention or to change your behaviours. Working with other professionals to offer you support and advice, you will be invited to attend a meeting every six weeks where everyone can sit together to look at what’s been happening, to see where more support might be needed and where progress can be celebrated.
Case Study
“We were referred to the Family Intervention Project by our Housing Officer, our home has two bedrooms, and we were on a low income because our son had left and there was only us, we were being charged bedroom tax. My wife is disabled, and we were struggling to buy the food she needs. I was sleeping on a sofa which made my back ache. I was constantly having to get up from the sofa to care for my wife who often suffers epileptic seizures so needed the bed space for her own safety.
Since she has started working with us, our keyworker has looked at our finances and supported us to claim for benefits we were entitled to and get medical items that we were buying for my wife, for free.
After supporting me to write letters and an appeal we don’t have to pay the bedroom tax now. Occupational Therapy came out and my wife now has a hospital bed and other aids, which makes life safer for her and easier for me to care for her. After the spare bedroom was sorted out, we bought a bed for me so I can be more comfortable, we also received a new fridge freezer and a cooker.
I only used to leave the house to go shopping, now I have started going to a support group for relatives of cancer sufferers and a befriender comes to the home to keep my wife company. When we started working with FIP we had no idea what a difference it would make for us both”.