
Offering ‘light touch’ support to vulnerable families


About The Scheme

RAISE offers ‘light touch’ support to vulnerable families who bounce up and down into in need. Referrals will be accepted for families, living in Gosport, who are known, or have been known to Hampshire Social Care and who are in need of support to raise them to and where possible beyond a good enough level.

Referral process

Referrals will be accepted from Hampshire Social Care for families living in Gosport.

The Introductory visit to the family will be made within 5 working days of the case being allocated. At this visit the Keyworker will explain the RAISE service and what can be offered to the client, exploring with the client the most urgent needs of the family which will be recorded on an Initial Assessment form, a Privacy Notice will also be signed at this meeting.


The RAISE Keyworker work s with family members in a real ‘sleeves up’ way not just bytelling, but doing with and showing.

  • By working with the family to get their finances back on track to enable sustainable tenancy

  • By explaining what neighbourliness is, telling stories and giving examples of neighbourliness and anti-social behaviour.

  • By encouraging parents to organise their lifestyle so that the children are attending school/nursery regularly and on time and helping parents to take a more active role in encouraging their children’s’ education while expanding opportunities for lifelong learning and employment for the whole family.

  • By support ing the parent role, respecting and helping to reduce their embarrassment, anger and frustration by assisting in the behaviour management of the children.

  • By telling and showing parents what appropriate levels of cleanliness and home management look like, working with parents to ensure that personal hygiene is attended to and showering, bathing and cleaning clothes are done regularly. Explaining the consequences of poor hygiene on relationships and self-confidence and helping to produce rotas/charts so families can maintain the agreed standard.

  • By explaining to parents the reason that not being fed a reasonably well balanced diet throughout the day can cause children to be ratty, demonstrate negative behaviour, and have a negative effect on their learning

  • By working with parents so they understand their role in relation to alcohol and substance use, and how important it is that they are not under the influence of either while supervising their children.

  • By working with parents to improve their basic skills in areas of literacy and numeracy, the causal nature of events, emotional intelligence or the process of learning from experience. Exploring how improving the adults’ basic skills can build confidence and the ability to read bills, notices and fill in forms etc.

RAISE will expect to remain with families for 18+ months, this will be monitored for individual families and their needs rather than be dictated by funding or capacity of the service.

Exit Plan

Following an extensive period of light touch support, exit will only take place once when agreement has been reached with the family, appropriate professionals and RAISE.

The family will be informed that contact will be made at the 3 month and 6 month points to ascertain their progress.